Sunday, May 1, 2011

How the Internet has had an impact on citizen participation


Twitter allows users to connect to one another based on similar interests or even just online personality. It allows fans to interact with their idols and post updates about themselves as well. It also allows users to ask questions to his or her own follows in hopes of a fast and quick reply. With an increasing amount of people owning smart phones, users may check and update their twitter on the go.

Twitter is an amazing application that has developed on the internet. Based on a post and reply system, it allows people from anywhere in the world to communicate efficiently and most importantly, quickly. As the internet expands, possible communication between citizens increase dramatically as well. Sometimes hidden under an anonymous screen name or just your actual name, citizens are able to expand their right of Freedom of Speech and express their opinions without being physically denied. Without physically participation in a conversation, citizens are able to avoid any possible awkwardness or speech capabilities.